What a year!

I find it hard to believe that a little over 2 years ago, we started this adventure and took a step of faith (along with many of you supporting) and jumped into starting a family ministry.  I would have thought the years of pastoring, executive pastoring, and planting churches would have made this move… easy.   It hasn’t been easy, but the way the Lord has moved in our lives, our community, and in the lives of those connected with Brock Mountain Ministries is worth every “counting it all joy”. 

As we go into this time of the year, we wanted to put together a small visual of all that God has done.  After a year of Covid limitations, we were able to open our camp for the first time in April when we filled our camp with a group of families ready to learn more about how God designed them.  So far this year we have hosted families from Chicago, New Orleans, Nashville, and our great state of Arkansas.  Aside from the Vision Camps, we have been blessed to open our doors on many occasions to families to connect, grow, encourage and fellowship together. 

This has truly been a season of seeing the faithfulness of God!

For those wanting to know about our family – we are all doing great! We battled 2 weeks of Covid, 2 weeks of below freezing weather and no water, loss of animals – but blessed beyond measure that our kids love Jesus, we are beyond happily married and our future is bright.   Ben has been able to grow his coaching business that provides for our family, and Nili and the 9 kids have gotten into a routine for school that continues to emphasize the most important priorities of our lives as believers.  Our oldest is continuing to grow in her horse training path, and our youngest turned one (and is the happiest little guy on the planet, except when he isn’t 😉

In short, we are incredibly thankful for; 

1- The Lord – how incredibly kind, instructive, caring and provisional He is to our family

2- Our family – from those who live with us, to those that we get to see less often… we cannot thank our family enough for their support

3- Our friends – the genuine excitement that each of you have towards this call keeps us excited about it as well

4- Our supporters – those of you who continually give to BMM.  Your giving has created experiences for so many families already, and many more to come.  

May the Lord continue to bless you, and encourage you – that HE is faithful.  If He has planted a dream or vision in your heart, He is faithful to complete it.

Blessings to you all

The Stewarts